Wednesday, April 17, 2013

WebQuest Rubric

Webquest - 60's News

WebQuest Site - Click Here

Overall Aesthetics 
  • Overall Visual Appeal - 4pt : There are several graphics which all contribute to the theme of the WebQuest. It is not too cluttered, and it is easy to read. 
  • Navigation & Flow - 4pt: It gives every person in the group clear directions on what each of them needs to accomplish. 
  • Mechanical Aspects - 1pt: There are just a few broken links, but everything else looks good.

  • Motivational Effectiveness of Introduction - 2pt. The introduction is intriguing and draws the students in. 
  • Cognitive Effectiveness of the Introduction - 2pt. The students have read the book, "The Outsider" and now they are going to learn a little bit more about the time period it was written in.

  • Connection of Task to Standards - 1pt : The standards are not referenced in the WebQuest but the assignment can be related to some standards.
  • Cognitive Level of Task- 6pt. The students have to put themselves in the time period of the 1960's and find several sources for their news broadcast where they will take a stand about an issue.

  • Clarity of Process - 4pt. The instructions are clearly stated for each member of the group. It is very easy to follow. 
  • Scaffolding of Process - 6pt - This assignment takes organizational skills as well as different levels of strategy. 
  • Richness of Process- 2pt. Each student in the group takes on a different role in their broadcast with different perspectives.


  • Relevance & Quantity of Resources - 4pt. The sources for this assignment are basically The Outsider's book and accesses to the internet to research the 1960's. Students have the access they need to complete the assignment.
  • Quality of Resources- 2pt. I gave this one 2pt because there are several links but just a couple of them do not work. The links that do work give carry sufficient information for the assignment.
  • Clarity of Evaluation Criteria- 4pt. There is a clear rubric for evaluation that describes what students must do in order to successfully complete the Webquest.
Final Score: 42 points

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