Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles - Picasso Head

I have social, or interpersonal, intelligence. Here I have portrayed the middle female speaking and listening to a group.

Interpersonal intelligence is also known as "people smart;" we are the social butterflies, so to speak. Blogs, chats, social networks, video conferencing, and interactive websites work very well when teaching those with interpersonal intelligence. Technology can be used to help me learn through video. I enjoy learning through documentaries. Hands-on interactive websites are also very useful tools. They provide games and instruction to teach. You can find an example of how I would prefer to use technology in the classroom at the end of this blog.

Learning Styles
Learning styles are often described as the way in which someone learns. There are three forms: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. I agree that not all children learn in the same way. I do not agree, however, that one must plan an entire lesson around learning styles. It is crucial, as an instructor, to get information across to students, but when an instructor must plan to accommodate one lesson to three different types of learners with three different activities, it becomes less productive and somewhat confusing. One of the leading arguments against learning styles claim that most students are unaware of the way in which they learn. (Clark,  2012) I wholeheartedly do no agree. One of the glorious things about learning styles is that they stem from student preferences; every student that has ever sat through a boring lecture, knows how they would rather be learning at that moment. Knowing how you would rather learn is important, but it does not stop you from learning in other ways. (Glenn, 2009) It may be that you just have not gotten a firm grip on the subject matter and need a little more help, but it is possible to understand.
Instead of trying to plan one lesson plan around three different learners, I believe it is more effective to allow the students to have a voice in how they will learn major lessons. I think learning styles also depend on subject matter. English is a subject that is usually understood through auditory learning. Science, on the other hand, is a much better candidate for visual or kinesthetic learning. By allowing the students to have a say in how they will learn their lessons, I believe it would make learning more effective.
Technology is a great tool for kinesthetic learners, especially in science- related concepts.

Worldwide Telescope
WWT is an interactive website that allows students to look into the Earth or anywhere out in space, create constellations, and have a great time. It is great for science lessons. It takes a small amount of work to get up and running and works great with a smart board!

Virtual Zoo
Websites such as the San Diego Zoo provide live video feed of some animal enclosures. It makes for the perfect in-class field trip while studying animals or even just a fun activity for a free day. Many other zoos are beginning to adopt live feed cameras as well.

Using Chat Resources:

Some educators have been using social media/chat applications to bring classrooms together. This is also a great way for interpersonal students to learn, by learning together hundreds of miles away!

Clark, D. (2012, March 06). Learning styles and preferences. Retrieved from http://nwlink.com/~donclark/hrd/styles.html

Glenn, D. (2009, December 15). Matching teaching style to learning style may not help students. The Chronicle. Retrieved from http://chronicle.com/article/Matching-Teaching-Style-to-/49497/

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